Education – is one more example of an activity where process automation brings tangible results. Private schools, training centers or courses often face problems that could be avoided if they had a universal assistant in their workflows. CRM – is just such a tool.
There is a fairly typical stereotype that such software systems are justified only in the field of trade and e-commerce. However, CRM for schools does not differ in its functionality from those used in business.
Customer Relationship Management is a client relationship management system. And if we consider the relationship between students and the school as a typical client communication with a business, everything immediately falls into place.
Opportunities offered by CRM for schools:
The main advantage of CRM in the education system is about reporting. The database can store all the document templates that are needed in work processes. Moreover, the system is able to automatically generate reports in one click.
CRM for a kindergarten, school or university – is more than a digital assistant. This system is ideal because it is specially designed to automate tasks that used to take a lot of staff time. CRM unites all parts of the educational complex into a single digital space.
Examples of ready-made software solutions for schools, universities and other educational institutions:
The choice of CRM for an educational institution depends on the size of the institution, the specifics of its activities, as well as the need for integration with other platforms and tools.
Developing a personalized system for an educational institution has a number of significant advantages over conventional out of the box versions. This approach allows to take into account specific needs, which can significantly improve the work of the administration, teachers, and students.
What does a personnel CRM for an educational institution offer – the main features.
Your own CRM can be integrated with other internal systems of the institution:
This allows automating data exchange between different departments and provides convenient access to all the necessary information from one place.
With a personal CRM, a unique level of security can be set that will be available only to the owners of specific software. For example, students can have access only to their own grades and course materials and teachers can have access to their students’ performance and attendance history.
Personal CRM allows to create customized reports and analytical forms that display valuable information for making management decisions. At the same time, the type of information presentation is selected based on the customer’s needs. The educational institution is not tied to the unified solutions of the software developer, but chooses the necessary functionality for analytics in its institution.
Personal software is fully set to the needs of a particular educational institution. A simple example is that CRM for a kindergarten does not require special functionality, as in the case of a university. Instead of paying the cost of the full version of an out of the box software and using only 10-15% of the features, the customer agrees with the developer what he/she needs to achieve specific purposes. The savings and efficiency of CRM with this approach are many times greater.
Personal CRMs are developed taking into account the possibility of scaling – an increase in the number of students in a school, the number of teachers, or the expansion of the educational process. For example, an educational institution adds distance (online) learning to the schedule. Custom CRM is easier to adapt to such changes, because it already has the ability to scale workflows in its core.
Personal CRM is free from the imposed conditions of the developer or software supplier. The owner pays once for the design of the software system and then it is completely his intellectual property. No licenses, cloud subscriptions or regular payments.
An educational institution (school, university, kindergarten) receives full software support directly from the developer. The provider integrates the software into the processes of the institution and conducts initial training of staff to work with the complex.
In addition, personal support of the CRM system in education gives an opportunity to quickly eliminate technical problems and provides flexibility in customizing the functionality to meet specific user requirements.
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