
Free CRM

Free CRM – what is the feature of this software. How to understand the term “Free software” correctly. Why there is a need for this type of management system. Examples of conditionally free CRMs. Who is not suitable for such a solution.

Human psychology is mostly set up to minimize its expenses. This is especially for entrepreneurs who just start their business. The company’s budget is limited, but the need for some tools, such as CRM, is well-reasoned. Whether it is possible to save money on management systems, what are the benefits of such a solution, what is a CRM system, and when should it is needed to reflect on its full version – read this article.

Why there is a need to search for Free CRMs

Users like software solutions they don’t have to pay for. The similar situation is for entrepreneurs who want to minimize other expenses from the company’s budget at all costs. However, the term itself is not correctly understood when it comes to highly specialized software, such as business management systems and others.

Of course, it is possible to get CRM for free. However, this will be a test version of the full package, designed for basic tasks. In Trial mode, after a certain time, the software locks and asks for a full license. Free CRMs will work with all the provided functionality all the time, but it will be minimal.

There are several situations where such a decision would be justified:

  • 1. Free CRM doesn’t provide wide opportunities for managing business processes, but the owner doesn’t need it. If the owner is satisfied with the functionality and the task is not about to deeply optimize the company’s work, the budget savings are obvious.
  • 2. Startup. Given the price of a full and top complex management system, its acquisition can lead to significant expenses for a new company, and the option of a free one will be an alternative at the beginning of work. 
  • 3. The business has a plan to transfer to a management system, but the leadership aims to gradually integrate the complex. This approach is logical – the staff will be able to train, get used to the software and specialists will prepare the necessary technical infrastructure.

In this situation a free CRM system performs the function of a transferring software.

Conditionally Free CRMs

They are more interesting for general use. These systems are the most promising for small and medium-sized businesses.

The essence of conditionally free software is as follows:

  • a client does not need to make significant financial investments – the software is supplied free at the initial stages of implementation;
  • functionality of the management package is reduced in accordance with the developer’s policy;
  • an owner is given a specific time to test the product, integrate it into the company’s infrastructure, and set up work;
  • if the software is suitable, the owner can unlock all functions by purchasing a full license upon completion of the preparatory operations.

This version of workflow management systems is much more optimal.

Advantages and disadvantages of Free CRMs

Such solutions have the following advantages:

  • a client does not pay for anything;
  • such a CRM type is able to perform the initial company’s adaptation in the process of automating its processes;
  • minimal technical specialists’ training;
  • a basic, but necessary set of functions for business: shallow analytics and reporting, simple algorithms for analyzing the clients’ base, etc.

Such CRM for small businesses has a number of disadvantages. They can become critical for representatives of certain categories of small and medium-sized businesses – in this case they need to shift their focus to paid complexes.

The disadvantages depend on the developers’ policy themselves:

  • in the case of Trial versions – limited time of use (up to 14 days);
  • it is recommended to start integrating the Trial version only if the owner plans to upgrade to the full software package;
  • there is no support for large clients’ bases, this option can be deliberately reduced by the developer – this option is definitely not suitable for business owners with a large number of clients.

The main thing is – this software has significantly limited functionality.

Free CRMs – a list of existing ones and a brief overview

American and European manufacturers of management systems have a clear position – a professional software should be a paid one. However, these same developers often include the possibility of limited use for their products. Consider the following CRMs:

Sugar CRM

The main function of this complex is – to provide the marketing department with a powerful tool for selling and analyzing clients’ behavior. Options are available for automating a number of processes, optimizing the work of managers and collecting analytical data. The complex can provide a complete client’s history and monitor his/her throughout the entire life cycle. If this is not enough for the company, an extended plan with additional functionality can be always purchased.

SendPulse CRM

A multi-channel platform for a wide range of marketing tasks. Free CRM modules from SendPulse have a set of basic tools for the sales department. Among them are: lead tracking, mass email, task control, and others.

SendPulse is easy to use. It has a clear interface that does not cause difficulties for users. The main feature of the package is that the developers provide small businesses with a free module that can be expanded at any time.


A cloud-based service in the form of a conditionally free CRM and project management module. The free version provides basic features: lead analysis, client interaction, and task planning.

A special feature of the service is managing all the features from one place. Flowlu is perfect for small businesses in the early stages of audience acquisition.


Another representative of cloud-based services, the implementation of a CRM system from Salesap provides users with access to a number of basic marketing tools. The complex has wide possibilities in terms of customization. It supports the possibility of integration with other software. The target audience is small companies.


A narrowly focused software for the real estate market. The basic package includes work with leads, scheduling, reporting, and analysis of the stored data. A full list of features is available on the developer’s website.


Free CRM systems like Gincore are aimed at improving communication between the client and the company. The trial version has significant limitations, but it gives the potential owner an understanding of the system’s capabilities.

The basic functionality includes lead tracking, shallow reporting, and tracking of clients’ activity. A full list of features and a price list can be found on the developer’s website.


The software is focused on e-commerce. It provides access to tools for controlling sales and customer service. The full package provides deeper analytics of the clients’ base and some other specialized tools.


An effective cloud-based service for establishing clients’ relations. It features an integrated contact manager with flexible settings. Each tool has a fine-tuning mode. Apptivo offers solutions for coordinating the purchase, supply, and delivery tracking of products.


Ukrainian business process management and automation system. It offers an all-in-one package. It is clear and accessible, CRM integration with the website is simple, the program is adapted to Ukrainian business models. Keepin modules are provided for one user only. At the same time, access to regular software updates is maintained.


Ukrainian software with the possibility of limited use for free. The Retail package includes orders tracking, accounting, purchases and contractors control, integration with marketplaces, and many other tools. The high-quality design and simple interface saves time on user training. A special feature of Perfectum is the variety of ready-made integrations with other digital products.

Why Free CRM is not suitable for every business

Free CRMs are cut versions of full-featured software products. To provide the end user with a reliable, efficient product that solves their tasks, developers spend time and their own investments. As a result, the product must pay off.

In most cases, such software lacks:

  • permanent service from the developer;
  • ability to work simultaneously by several users;
  • functionality, especially highly specialized one.

The main problem awaits owners in terms of support and protection. There is no update plan provided by the developer, so the end user is deprived of fixing problems in the further software operation. Menagement centers can become the target of hacker attacks, so it’s worth having protection.


Free CRMs are beneficial in a limited number of situations. Focus on the functionality and the number of staff who will work with the system. For small businesses, the free version will be optimal and prepare the company for the integration of a full-fledged system. Large brands should immediately abandon this idea.

To Order a CRM System

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