
Implementation of a CRM system

Have you decided to implement a CRM system at your company but you don’t know how to approach this issue? Today, we will look at the main points of CRM integration and talk about the technical aspects of choosing a system and creating a price list for services.

Implementation of CRM systems

Correctly organized business processes play a decisive role in a company’s success. Often, entrepreneurs lose a significant part of sales audience due to poorly organized workflows. The use of outdated management methods as spreadsheets, slows down an enterprise development and its transition to a new level. Only the implementation of a CRM system can overcome all barriers and give a business the necessary impulse for growth.

What is the CRM systems implementation at the enterprise

The modern model of company’s management is entirely based on customer relations. It plays a decisive role in business profitability. If earlier all methods of managing sales markets were manually building communication channels, so today automated systems are capable of doing this.

Implementing a CRM system at an enterprise is not intended to artificially complicate workflows while remaining in trend. A management complex is needed to collect the most detailed information about potential customers. The better you know your customer, the more he/she trust your offers.

The CRM implementation service – is a set of works during which the company’s internal processes are transferred to an automated management system. This includes the following:

  • analysis of business objectives;
  • selection of suitable software based on the capabilities, project price and client’s requirements;
  • setting up the system and business processes;
  • formation of system connection with other (external) management tools;
  • staff training.

Implementing CRM at an enterprise often makes leadership to panic. For many owners, an automated management model means radical changes in the company. This myth was formed due to basic ignorance of similar processes. The implementation of a CRM system has one purpose –improving brand relations with the sales audience, creation a company’s positive image and increasing the service quality.

Competent integration of the CRM website guarantees a quick company’s transferring to a new stage of development. Within a few months, the company will be able to feel the positive effect as a result of such decision.

When a business should reflect on implementing CRM systems

Everyone needs a CRM implementation service – these are the realities of modern business. This is not a market requirement, it is a competent approach to developing your own company. However, there are segments that need management system integration the most. These are small and medium-sized businesses, as well as startups.

Why it is highly critical:

  • small segments and startups simply cannot afford to waste their customer base – it is a guaranteed company’s failure;
  • young enterprises need strict budget control – it affects the marginality of the business and its growth;
  • a small segment always has a high entry threshold, meaning a constantly growing competition.

Is it possible to leave everything in its place and not think how to implement CRM in your company? Of course, many businesses still work manually. But whether they are effective in today’s market is an open question.

How to implement CRM from the side of a business model

Before implementing a CRM system at an enterprise, a customer needs to take into account a number of factors. First of all, the business model. To better understand your needs, you should consider several issues:

  1. Clearly identify the problem areas of the business. What prevents you from achieving the purposes. What routine work takes up time from the staff.
  2. Analyze the problems of the client service department. Identify potential reasons for low client conversion.
  3. Which format of client interaction is more profitable for your business.
  4. Whether detailed client map is needed, as information and preferences about his/her interests. Perhaps communication at the level of ordinary offers is enough.
  5. Who will work with automation. Whether the leadership will be involved in the use of the tools.
  6. Whether additional automation methods are needed: analytics, notifications, delivery management, document management and other options.

It is also necessary to understand what CRM is and how it works. 

There are business models in which the implementation of this software is ineffective. These include:

  • Pass-through clients. These are clients who use your offers once. For such businesses, it is not necessary to launch powerful marketing campaigns or notify clients about new products. There is no point in building a client base.
  • An enterprise that works with narrow orders. This includes state-owned, specialized companies. In such a business, there is no need to attract additional customers – they are formed naturally.

Focusing on the company’s management model, the customer will be able to choose the best program option.

How to implement CRM from the technical side

The primary technical aspects are the availability of hardware (server, PC) and a stable network connection. In addition, the customer needs to decide:

  • whether a mobile version is needed;
  • ability to connect external tools via API;
  • cloud-based or out of box version – the price of CRM system implementation also depends on this;
  • scope of used tools: software implementation for a specific department of the enterprise or for the entire company.

    All of the mentioned points affect the price. The best decision will be a balance between needs and financial capabilities. For example, startups don’t need complex applications – it’s just not their level. This way, the price of integration can be reduced, but still get effective software.

Prices for the CRM systems implementation

The program is selected based on the needs. There is a popular myth: the higher the price of a product, the better the solution the customer receives. This, of course, is not true. The price of a CRM system implementing is formed based on several factors:

  • functionality;
  • support for external applications;
  • technical capabilities: IP-telephony, notifications of the user base in social and other networks;
  • settings flexibility;
  • system version: out of the box or cloud-based;
  • developer. 

Before implementing CRM, it is recommended to carefully study the developer’s offers. The trial period is an ideal opportunity to familiarize with the program. This will give the owner time to understand how well the product meets the needs.

As a rule, the developer announces how much it costs to implement a turnkey CRM after getting acquainted with the project. Carefully make a list of criteria for the software – the final cost will be based on this data.

CRM implementation services from Skylex

Skylex is an innovator in CRM development and integration of off-the-shelf products. We use a personalized approach to each customer. This helps us to delve into the essence of the problem and find effective ways to solve it. Contact us, together we will find effective tools for your business development!

To Order a CRM System

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